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“How to blend hair with curly weave?” is a common question when buying weave hair. Many people buy hair extensions but they do not know how to blend curly weave with natural hair. How to blend your hair with curly weave can be difficult if your curl patterns are absolutely different from your human hair extensions.
In this article, VQ Hair will guide you how to blend my hair with curly weave with some easy tips which can save your time. It definitely will give you a gorgeous look.
How to blend straight hair with curly weave
When you want the beauty of a weave but don’t want to put too much stress on your hair, a sew-in weave can give you the best of both worlds. It is a method where tracks of sewn onto flat braids.
This type of weave can last for weeks and requires very little maintenance. Since your natural hair will be in cornrows for weeks, it is important to keep up with your regular wash, shampoo, deep condition, and oil routine to keep it healthy and encourage healthy real hair growth while you are slaying your install.
When sewing the weave, if you want to tie them in securely but not so much as to damage the natural hair, using a net is an ideal reference. Some people prefer to have the extensions installed over a sewn-in net to ensure the durable weave hair extensions.
A net allows the hairdresser to install the extensions without putting excess stress onto the braid. This is also an ideal option for those who have alopecia, thin or otherwise extremely fragile natural hair.
Remember that if you choose to use a net, it may be difficult adding oil to the scalp, so extra care will need to be taken to ensure the healthy growth of your hair. If you want your look to be even more natural, just use smaller portions of extensions as you get closer to the front of the face.
How to blend curly weave with natural hair
A lot of the key points mentioned above apply here too but one of the most important things when blending or styling with curly weave is moisture! You need to keep the hair soft. Spray and condition the hair to have a nice healthy feel, obviously not dripping wet but slightly damp and soft. The hair will be best to work within this state.
The best thing to do is prepare before bed – section your curly weave and your leave out into small bits and begin to plait or twist them together like single braids or twists. Do this in a specific pattern and allow the hair to fall in the direction you intend when you take the plaits out in the morning. Spray the plaits with moisturizer then wrap with a scarf to secure them in place.
In the morning when you loosen your hair, the texture of the plaits will match the texture of the virgin hair more closely. You may need to experiment to decide what size plaits and twists give you the most accurate match – we would recommend the smaller the better. Don’t worry you won’t have to do every night – eventually, the pattern will start to maintain itself.
For some of you – you will need to blow dry your hair and comb it out to make it a bit straighter first before attempting this – especially if your natural curl pattern is much smaller or tighter than the hair you are trying to blend with.
Tips for how to blend hair with curly weave
- Leave out minimal your natural hair: When you wear a weave, you do so to protect your hair and as such, you must leave out as little of your hair as possible. The more real hair you leave out, the more potential damage can be caused to your strands, increasing chances of your hair breaking. The weave hair extension is used to protect your hair from harsh elements such as weather or friction. If you are a beginner, your hairdresser should be able to guide you on this.
- Weave hair texture: Choose weave products as close to your real hair as possible to limit the amount of manipulation that has to be done to the hair to get it to blend naturally. For your kinky natural hair, wearing straight weaves and leaving out part of the hair to blend is a mistake. Since our hair tends to revert when exposed to humidity, daily flat ironing will keep your hair looking seamless and blending well, however, the heat may damage your hair. If avoiding any use of heat like blow driers or flat irons while wearing your weave is your goal, deep wave and curly weave textures will blend better with such hair.
- Duration: Ensure you wear the weave for a maximum of six weeks at a time. When you keep your weave on for long, it will lead to serious matting, which also leads to excessive breakage because you are forced to detangle your hair when you remove the weave. Matting can sometimes be so bad that one is forced to cut the hair.
- Avoid using the synthetic hair weaves: Synthetic weaves may be cheap but they have a more drying effect on the hair than natural virgin or Remy weaves. Synthetics strip moisture from your natural hair and are not able to hold on to moisturizing oils as human hair weaves. Besides, they can also lead to an itchy scalp situation. The high-quality human hair weaves may be a bit expensive but are the best option.
When using weaves from 100% human hair, you will feel the comfort completely. VQ Hair weave hair can satisfy your need with no noxious chemicals harming your health.